Granado Espada

Andromida Granado Espada
Andromida GE - v36.87.94
Last update

Ustiur, Ustiur Jungle Area 2 (Level 86-104)

Ustiur, Ustiur Jungle Area 2 map image
65 m
Map thumbnail
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Ustiur Jungle Area 1(Lv. 100+) (G12)
Ustiur Jungle Area 3(Lv. 102+) (F1)
  Ustiur, Ustiur Jungle Area 2 Memorial (F7, G11, G2)
1  Fallen Rock (F3, F7, G2, G11, H6)
2  Rock (E2)
3  Tree Stump (I8)
  [Kielce Laboratory] Kelly's Study of Airplane (F3, G11)
  [Kielce Laboratory] Zeppelin's Study of Flying Ship (F3, G11)
  [Quest] A Powerful Foe, the Tyrannosaurus! (F1)
  [[Kielce Laboratory] Podche's Study of Car (F3, G11)
  •  Monster spawn point
  • El Rosa Alba — SoundTeMP
  • Maya — Kubota Osamu
  • Noche de la Selva — S.F.A
  • Summer Queen — Starr (Blackhole Recordings)
  • The Veras — S.F.A

MEDIUMCreatureLevel 102 Ankylosaurus

Light Armor
No Attribute
HP: 4506
EXP: 20 928
SPD: 473
ATK Range: 1m
Hits per attack: 1
Knockback proof
ATK: 1107
A.R.: 51
DEF: 85
D.R.: 51
Fire RES: 27
Ice RES: 27
Lightning RES: 27
Mental RES: 15
Abnormal State RES: 15
Respawns after 5sec
Maximum population 43 (4.8%)

MEDIUMCreatureLevel 102 Elite Eripmav

Light Armor
No Attribute
HP: 6135
EXP: 42 633
SPD: 373
ATK Range: 1.2m
Hits per attack: 1
Sees invisible
ATK: 897
A.R.: 51
DEF: 97
D.R.: 51
Fire RES: 47
Ice RES: 47
Lightning RES: 47
Mental RES: 35
Abnormal State RES: 45
Skill List: Egg Machine Gun
Summons 2 minions (Eripmav)
Respawns after 15min
Maximum population 2 (0.2%)

MEDIUMCreatureLevel 102 Elite Jungle Velociraptor

Light Armor
No Attribute
HP: 6732
EXP: 44 821
SPD: 320
ATK Range: 0.9m
Hits per attack: 1
ATK: 790
A.R.: 51
DEF: 97
D.R.: 51
Fire RES: 46
Ice RES: 46
Lightning RES: 46
Mental RES: 35
Abnormal State RES: 45
Summons 2 minions (Jungle Velociraptor)
Respawns after 15min
Maximum population 2 (0.2%)

MEDIUMCreatureLevel 89 Eripmav

Light Armor
No Attribute
HP: 3457
EXP: 14 426
SPD: 373
ATK Range: 1m
Hits per attack: 1
Sees invisible
ATK: 769
A.R.: 44
DEF: 76
D.R.: 44
Fire RES: 27
Ice RES: 27
Lightning RES: 27
Mental RES: 15
Abnormal State RES: 15
Skill List: Egg Machine Gun
Respawns after 15min
Maximum population 4 (0.4%)

MEDIUMCreatureLevel 102 Eripmav

Light Armor
No Attribute
HP: 4180
EXP: 17 519
SPD: 373
ATK Range: 1m
Hits per attack: 1
Sees invisible
ATK: 860
A.R.: 51
DEF: 85
D.R.: 51
Fire RES: 27
Ice RES: 27
Lightning RES: 27
Mental RES: 15
Abnormal State RES: 15
Skill List: Egg Machine Gun
Respawns after 5sec
Maximum population 214 (24.1%)

MEDIUMCreatureLevel 102 Honey Bee

Light Armor
No Attribute
HP: 6950
EXP: 10 415
SPD: 226
ATK Range: 1.3m
Hits per attack: 2
Sees invisible
Knockback proof
ATK: 126
A.R.: 51
DEF: 42
D.R.: 51
Fire RES: 15
Ice RES: 15
Lightning RES: 15
Mental RES: 11
Abnormal State RES: 16
Martial DEF: +10%
Melee DEF: +20%
Respawns after 5sec
Maximum population 20 (2.2%)

MEDIUMCreatureLevel 86 Jungle Velociraptor

Light Armor
No Attribute
HP: 3771
EXP: 14 502
SPD: 320
ATK Range: 0.8m
Hits per attack: 1
ATK: 668
A.R.: 43
DEF: 74
D.R.: 43
Fire RES: 26
Ice RES: 26
Lightning RES: 26
Mental RES: 15
Abnormal State RES: 15
Respawns after 15min
Maximum population 4 (0.4%)

MEDIUMCreatureLevel 101 Jungle Velociraptor

Light Armor
No Attribute
HP: 4712
EXP: 18 246
SPD: 320
ATK Range: 0.8m
Hits per attack: 1
ATK: 763
A.R.: 50
DEF: 84
D.R.: 50
Fire RES: 26
Ice RES: 26
Lightning RES: 26
Mental RES: 15
Abnormal State RES: 15
Respawns after 5sec
Maximum population 512 (57.6%)

HARDHomeLevel 101 Rock

Heavy Armor
No Attribute
HP: 1070
EXP: 9297
No Attack
Knockback proof
ATK: 0
A.R.: 50
DEF: 96
D.R.: 50
Fire RES: 0
Ice RES: 0
Lightning RES: 0
Mental RES: 0
Abnormal State RES: 100
Respawns after 9sec
Maximum population 1 (0.1%)

SOFTCreatureLevel 104 Sabel Tiger (Boss)

Soft Armor
Ice Attribute
HP: 162 754
EXP: 1 746 360
SPD: 184
ATK Range: 2m
Hits per attack: 1
Knockback proof
ATK: 4917
A.R.: 54
DEF: 105
D.R.: 54
Fire RES: 50
Ice RES: 90
Lightning RES: -50
Mental RES: 30
Abnormal State RES: 60
Skill List: Justang
Respawns after 30min
Maximum population 1 (0.1%)

SOFTCreatureLevel 102 Tentaceratops

Soft Armor
No Attribute
HP: 4778
EXP: 18 673
SPD: 386
ATK Range: 3.4m
Hits per attack: 1
Knockback proof
ATK: 917
A.R.: 51
DEF: 79
D.R.: 51
Fire RES: 27
Ice RES: 27
Lightning RES: 27
Mental RES: 15
Abnormal State RES: 15
Respawns after 5sec
Maximum population 43 (4.8%)

SOFTCreatureLevel 101 Triceratops

Soft Armor
No Attribute
HP: 4712
EXP: 18 406
SPD: 386
ATK Range: 3.4m
Hits per attack: 1
Knockback proof
ATK: 909
A.R.: 50
DEF: 78
D.R.: 50
Fire RES: 27
Ice RES: 27
Lightning RES: 27
Mental RES: 15
Abnormal State RES: 15
Respawns after 5sec
Maximum population 43 (4.8%)

Drop Summary (does not include all boss drops)

Monster (Max Quantity / Kills)
it_m_thegladiator Armor of the Gladiator Sabel Tiger (1 / 200)
it_e_windpiece Branch of Wind All Monsters (1 / 1000)
it_m_capezzolodipericolo Capezzolo di Pericolo Sabel Tiger (1 / 200)
it_w_legguard4 Chrome Leg-Guards Elite Eripmav (1 / 150 000), Eripmav (1 / 200 000)
it_m_claramago Clara Mago Sabel Tiger (1 / 200)
it_m_corsairrosso Corsair Rosso Honey Bee (1 / 250 000)
it_w_goldenstriker Desert Storm Honey Bee (1 / 200 000)
it_e_diamondpiece Diamond Coupon Sabel Tiger (1 / 100)
it_m_dragooncoat Dragon Coat Tentaceratops (1 / 300 000), Triceratops (1 / 300 000)
it_e_dinohorn Dragon Horn Ankylosaurus (1 / 500), Elite Jungle Velociraptor (1 / 250), Jungle Velociraptor (1 / 500), Tentaceratops (1 / 500), Triceratops (1 / 500)
it_e_dinoskin Dragon Leather Ankylosaurus (1 / 500), Elite Jungle Velociraptor (1 / 250), Jungle Velociraptor (1 / 500), Tentaceratops (1 / 500), Triceratops (1 / 500)
it_w_dinoslayer Dragon Sword Ankylosaurus (1 / 250 000)
it_e_earthpiece Earth Fragment Ankylosaurus (1 / 5000)
it_e_greenjewel3 Emerald All Monsters (1 / 15 000)
it_e_rafflesia_green Green Leaf of Rafflesia Elite Jungle Velociraptor (1 / 500), Jungle Velociraptor (1 / 1000)
it_e_healingliquor Healing Liquor Rock (2 / 5)
it_e_healingpotion Healing Potion Rock (3 / 2)
it_e_healthfiller Health-Filler Rock (1 / 10)
it_e_greenjewel4 High Quality Emerald Elite Eripmav (1 / 10 000), Eripmav (1 / 20 000)
it_e_celemantisjuice Honey Honey Bee (1 / 100)
it_m_fieldplate Knight of the Templar Elite Eripmav (1 / 150 000), Eripmav (1 / 200 000)
it_m_fieldplate Knight of the Templar Elite Eripmav (1 / 250 000), Eripmav (1 / 300 000)
it_e_talt Mega Talt Sabel Tiger (1 / 1)
it_e_leatherpatch Natural Leather All Monsters (1 / 500)
it_e_vemonneedle Poison Wasp Sting Elite Eripmav (1 / 3300), Eripmav (1 / 10 000)
it_e_spinel Raptor Spinel Elite Jungle Velociraptor (1 / 1000), Jungle Velociraptor (1 / 5000)
it_e_rafflesia_red Red Leaf of Rafflesia Elite Jungle Velociraptor (1 / 500), Jungle Velociraptor (1 / 1000)
it_e_spinel Sabel Tiger Spinel Sabel Tiger (1 / 100)
it_e_soulfiller Soul-Filler Rock (1 / 30)
it_e_aidanium Pure Aidanium Ankylosaurus (1 / 25), Elite Eripmav (1 / 15), Elite Jungle Velociraptor (1 / 10), Eripmav (1 / 45), Honey Bee (1 / 60), Jungle Velociraptor (1 / 25), Rock (1 / 25), Sabel Tiger (1 / 5), Tentaceratops (1 / 25), Triceratops (1 / 25)
it_e_etretanium Pure Etretanium Ankylosaurus (1 / 25), Elite Eripmav (1 / 15), Elite Jungle Velociraptor (1 / 10), Eripmav (1 / 45), Honey Bee (1 / 60), Jungle Velociraptor (1 / 25), Rock (1 / 25), Sabel Tiger (1 / 5), Tentaceratops (1 / 25), Triceratops (1 / 25)
it_e_etretanium Pure Ionium Ankylosaurus (1 / 25), Elite Eripmav (1 / 15), Elite Jungle Velociraptor (1 / 10), Eripmav (1 / 45), Honey Bee (1 / 60), Jungle Velociraptor (1 / 25), Rock (1 / 25), Sabel Tiger (1 / 5), Tentaceratops (1 / 25), Triceratops (1 / 25)
it_e_quartz Pure Quartz Ankylosaurus (1 / 25), Elite Eripmav (1 / 15), Elite Jungle Velociraptor (1 / 10), Eripmav (1 / 45), Honey Bee (1 / 60), Jungle Velociraptor (1 / 25), Rock (1 / 25), Sabel Tiger (1 / 5), Tentaceratops (1 / 25), Triceratops (1 / 25)
it_e_talt Pure Talt Ankylosaurus (1 / 25), Elite Eripmav (1 / 15), Elite Jungle Velociraptor (1 / 10), Eripmav (1 / 45), Honey Bee (1 / 60), Jungle Velociraptor (1 / 25), Rock (1 / 25), Sabel Tiger (1 / 5), Tentaceratops (1 / 25), Triceratops (1 / 25)
it_e_shinycrystal Shiny Crystal Ankylosaurus (4 / 392), Elite Eripmav (4 / 161), Elite Jungle Velociraptor (4 / 122), Eripmav (4 / 427), Jungle Velociraptor (4 / 325), Sabel Tiger (5 / 1), Tentaceratops (4 / 358), Triceratops (4 / 358)
it_e_beef Beef (HP +1500) Eripmav (1 / 69), Jungle Velociraptor (1 / 51)
it_e_honey Honey (SP +100) Jungle Velociraptor (1 / 51)
it_e_beef Very good Beef (HP +2000) Ankylosaurus (1 / 34), Elite Eripmav (1 / 10), Elite Jungle Velociraptor (1 / 6), Eripmav (1 / 46), Honey Bee (1 / 18), Jungle Velociraptor (1 / 34), Rock (1 / 2), Sabel Tiger (1 / 2), Tentaceratops (1 / 34), Triceratops (1 / 34)
it_e_beef good Beef (HP +1600) Ankylosaurus (1 / 34), Elite Eripmav (1 / 10), Elite Jungle Velociraptor (1 / 6), Eripmav (1 / 69), Eripmav (1 / 46), Honey Bee (1 / 18), Jungle Velociraptor (1 / 34), Rock (1 / 2), Sabel Tiger (1 / 2), Tentaceratops (1 / 34), Triceratops (1 / 34)
it_e_sushi good Sushi (HP +1300) Eripmav (1 / 69), Jungle Velociraptor (1 / 51)
it_e_quest (Quest) Dinosaur Claw Jungle Velociraptor (1 / 1)
it_e_dinomeat (Quest) Dinosaur Meat Jungle Velociraptor (1 / 1)
it_e_dinomeat (Quest) Dinosaur Short Ribs Jungle Velociraptor (1 / 1)
it_e_quest (Quest) Dinosaur Thighbones Jungle Velociraptor (1 / 1)
it_e_quest (Quest) Feather of Sabel Tiger Sabel Tiger (1 / 1)
it_e_quest (Quest) Tail of Dinosaur Jungle Velociraptor (1 / 1)
it_e_dwtooth (Quest) Velociraptor's Teeth Jungle Velociraptor (1 / 2)
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